Cinderella Castle Essay

Thank God for the holiday season! A splendid mix of work and play, uncertain which is which at times, now gives way to more play than work. Here are a few snapshots of the kind of play we’ve been up to the past week…

In chronological order, 300mm shot from the ferry on our way to the Magic Kingdom, 28mm wide angle shot from Future World, Elizabeth unexpectedly finishing Grace’s hotdog and of course, fireworks over the Magic Kingdom. Enjoy!

Glorious Day at the Magic Kingdom Topped by Spectacular Fireworks

I put in a full day today, starting out with a Skype call from Australia at 4:00am. I wrapped things up @ work and we were on the road by 5:30pm on our way to a most spectacular evening at the Magic Kingdom, our first visit since the spring.

What made this outing unique, other than the time of day was our mission: Trinity had been talking about fireworks at Disney for what seems to be a year. For her birthday Elizabeth and I promised to take her to the Magic Kingdom to see fireworks. She’s turning 3 on the 11th, and last night was going to be the only fireworks display for the next 2 weeks so…. Enjoy!

This was only our second time staying at a theme park late with the girls, we typically leave Wesley Chapel around noon, and get to a Disney parking lot within 75 minutes, allowing ample driving time for both Trinity and Faith to nap. Elizabeth does school with Grace in the back of the van while I immerse myself in worship, prayer and a little solo brainstorming. Disney has always been a blessing in my life, I pray you will allow it to be in your life also.Read More