Mission Monday at Pine Island Park, Spring Hill, FL

Today we were blessed to discover a new mission field, Pine Island Park in Spring Hill, FL. Less than 45 minutes from our driveway, this secluded location has everything we need to fulfill our mission to advance the gospel to the four corners of the earth.

First, the park has a beach. Then, a playground. Pine Island Park also has parking for only $2 after 4pm, which suits our napping schedule just fine. Showers, clean bathrooms and a cafe make this park the perfect location for just about anyone – except sexual predators, since local convicts have their pictures posted on a board by the bathrooms… :)

Here are a few shots from a very special, purpose driven day… enjoy!

Glorious Mission Monday at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge

The Lord blessed the girls and I today with another wonderful mission trip to Walt Disney World, a special place we consider our mission field.

We endeavored on a different path to get to the Wilderness Lodge, instead of parking at the Polynesian Resort and hopping on a monorail to the Contemporary Resort, where we would ride a shuttle boat to the Lodge, we drove straight to the resort where we parked and started our short missionary adventure, thereby saving a bunch of time on getting to our favorite spot.

Today, we furthered God’s kingdom by planting Christian tracts and writing messages of love in strategically picked locations, where we hoped it would be people in need who would find our inspirational notes, rather than the opulent skeptic… Enjoy a few snapshots from a most magical day at Disney!

Mission Monday at Disney’s Fort Wilderness & Wilderness Lodge

Today, the Lord led my family and I to one of our favorite corners of the earth, where we are called to fulfill the great commission to advance the gospel and share the good news about the life, death and resurrection of Yeshua, the Christ.

I believe picture are indeed worth a thousand words, here are a few snapshots for you to ponder over… Enjoy!

We started our Mission Monday at Disney’s Polynesian Resort, where we boarded a monorail and rode “freestyle” all the way to the Contemporary Resort. From the Contemporary, we boarded a shuttle boat which took us to Fort Wilderness…

At Fort Wilderness, Trinity prospected for rare gems then, along with her sisters Faith and Grace, ran themselves silly on freshly cut grass while I planted Christian tracts, this week fake $50 bills for Disney guests and cast members to stumble upon. The word of God never returns void!

While at Fort Wilderness, we visited the Tri-Circle-D Ranch & Farm where the girls were awed by the giant horses, and got to pet a pony. We were blessed to fellowship with a believer at the ranch, where Christians are typically few and far in between.

Then, it was on to Disney’s Wilderness Lodge, where we all cooled off, soaking our feet in a cool Disney stream. At one of our favorite spots on Disney property, the girls and I played a serious game of splash daddy. After I had cooled down, I was led to spell Jesus’ name in stones for countless of guests and cast members to wonder upon.

Before calling it a day, I logged on to answer a few emails by the cozy fire, and called Cici’s to order our delicious $4 cheese pizza which we love to eat on the road back home. The perfect mission Monday, made possible by the mighty hand of God, and sponsored by Thrive Through Christ ministries, our non-denominational home based fellowship.

Truly Blessed Mission Monday on Sunset Beach

Peaks and Valleys; Today was definitely a peak. Why not have you join us and sneak a peek at our peak?

Here are photos from today’s Mission Monday, as the St.Pierre’s once again answered the call of the Lord and advanced the gospel of Jesus Christ, shared God’s love and inspired other believers to fulfill their mission to minister to the lost…

How are you answering His call to minister to the four corners of the earth?

Glorious Mission Monday on Sunset Beach, FL

Elizabeth, Grace, Trinity, Faith and I were blessed earlier today with an outing we will not soon forget, when the Lord provided perfect weather and a mission field beyond our own deserving: Sunset Beach!

We’d been to Sunset many times before, and already ranked this secluded beach at the top of our list for more reasons than we can count. But today, as if perfect weather and a smooth drive wasn’t enough, God delivered one new ingredient to an already divine recipe: a Playground for the kids!

That’s right folks! Swings, slides & climby thingies.

I didn’t get shots of the play area since we discovered it on our way out adjacent the old parking lot we’d been using for years. it turns out the city of Treasure Island recently built a playground & covered pavilion. Praise Jesus! Our favorite beach is now, well, even better!

All I can say is thank you Lord. Here are a few shots from today, enjoy!!!