Elizabeth, Grace, Trinity, Faith and I were blessed earlier today with an outing we will not soon forget, when the Lord provided perfect weather and a mission field beyond our own deserving: Sunset Beach!
We’d been to Sunset many times before, and already ranked this secluded beach at the top of our list for more reasons than we can count. But today, as if perfect weather and a smooth drive wasn’t enough, God delivered one new ingredient to an already divine recipe: a Playground for the kids!
That’s right folks! Swings, slides & climby thingies.
I didn’t get shots of the play area since we discovered it on our way out adjacent the old parking lot we’d been using for years. it turns out the city of Treasure Island recently built a playground & covered pavilion. Praise Jesus! Our favorite beach is now, well, even better!
All I can say is thank you Lord. Here are a few shots from today, enjoy!!!