Glorious Mission Day at Disney!

Our Lord blessed Elizabeth, Grace, Trinity, Faith and I again today with a glorious mission trip to Disney, where we shared and ministered to people from all over the United-States. Aside from wearing a biblical shirt, I got to snap a few shots of the family… Enjoy!

Glorious Mission Monday on Sunset Beach, FL

Elizabeth, Grace, Trinity, Faith and I were blessed earlier today with an outing we will not soon forget, when the Lord provided perfect weather and a mission field beyond our own deserving: Sunset Beach!

We’d been to Sunset many times before, and already ranked this secluded beach at the top of our list for more reasons than we can count. But today, as if perfect weather and a smooth drive wasn’t enough, God delivered one new ingredient to an already divine recipe: a Playground for the kids!

That’s right folks! Swings, slides & climby thingies.

I didn’t get shots of the play area since we discovered it on our way out adjacent the old parking lot we’d been using for years. it turns out the city of Treasure Island recently built a playground & covered pavilion. Praise Jesus! Our favorite beach is now, well, even better!

All I can say is thank you Lord. Here are a few shots from today, enjoy!!!

Huge Payout on a Splendid Mission Monday! Praises to Yahweh!

Our Lord blessed the girls and I again today far beyond deserving. Out on a yet another phenomenal Mission Monday on Clearwater Beach, it was the drive to the beach that revealed to be this week’s biggest payout…

Don’t let the pictures fool you, today’s payoff cannot be measured in dollars.

First the obvious; Thanks be to the Almighty, I unleashed God’s thunder on the beach today!!! Hitting righty, then lefty, putting up walls at the net forcing opponents to shank spikes all over the place, Rhino and I didn’t win many games but we sure made a bunch of fans who wondered if we were “AVP or just real, real good players.”

See for yourself, it gets better…

Daniel Saint-Pierre, Beach Volleyball, Spiking, Clearwater Beach, FL Daniel Saint-Pierre, Beach Volleyball, Blocking Sign Daniel Saint-Pierre, Beach Volleyball, Blocking

Daniel Saint-Pierre, Beach Volleyball, Winding-Up Lefty Christian Tracts, Man Holding 50 Dollar Bills Christian Tracts, 50 Dollar Bills, Isolated Over White Background

While the fifties aren’t real currency, they’re Christian tracts we plant as spiritual seeds all over the beaches and theme parks we are blessed to count as our mission field. You see, among other activities, beach volleyball doubles as a ministry outreach, using scripture empowered $50 or Christian Worship CDs.

With 3 young daughters, our approach needs to be both passive enough to avoid conflict, yet aggressive to reach even the most hardened hearts.

Which area of Ministry are you involved in? Remember, ministry doesn’t have to hurt to bear fruit… and bleeding is not a requirement to go on a short term mission trip.

Get involved! God’s blessings await you in Ministry, and in Short Term Missions…

Awesome Mission Monday on Clearwater Beach!

We were blessed with another spectacular Mission Monday outing today, as the St.Pierre’s hit Pier 60 and Clearwater Beach, FL. God delivered fantastic Florida weather, perfect for the girls to play in the Gulf water, and for yours truly to get some hits with the Fearsome Foursome!

You already know I love the beach. Also beach vball ranks at the top of my list of summer sports. Actually in FL, we play year round praise God!!!

So today we planned on passing out tracts, CD’s and 50’s, but I left our goodies box at home so…. We did pray and sangs songs of worship, but no tracts this week… :(

Still we got a few nice snap shots that depict the morning pretty well, enjoy!!!

Clearwater Beach, Causeway


Clearwater Beach, Elizabeth and Ffaith St.Pierre


Clearwater Beach, Grace St.Pierre New Friend



Mission Monday @ Weedon Island Preserve

Another Monday means another short term mission trip with the girls, however today it was only Grace, Trinity, Faith and I out to glorify God and advance His gospel to the four corners of the earth. Today, our corner of the world was the Weedon Island Preserve in St Petersburg, FL.

Weedon Island Preserve, Sign and Deer Weedon Island Preserve, Map

Weedon Island Preserve, Sunflower Weedon Island Preserve, View from Tower

Weedon Island Preserve, Tower Stairs Weedon Island Preserve, Cactus

Weedon Island Preserve, Heron Weedon Island Preserve, Fungus

Weedon Island Preserve, Shells Weedon Island Preserve, Plaque

While Elizabeth partook in decorating for next week’s Vacation Bible School at church, the girls and I had a most wonderful time exploring and discovering the preserve.

This week we planted some tracts and CDs in hope they would be found by seekers, looking for an answer to their prayer. We praise God for His will in our lives and for witnessing opportunities such as this one, I have so thoroughly enjoyed Weedon Island over the years.