Advancing the Gospel at Walt Disney World!

The Lord blessed us again today with an awesome outing at Walt Disney World, a place we are glad to call our mission field. Today, we passed out Christian tracts & music CDs. We also planted $50 bills and wrote messages of love in payphone areas at numerous resorts. We also rode monorails freestyle… Enjoy the video and photos! ;)

Glorious Mission Day at Disney!

Our Lord blessed Elizabeth, Grace, Trinity, Faith and I again today with a glorious mission trip to Disney, where we shared and ministered to people from all over the United-States. Aside from wearing a biblical shirt, I got to snap a few shots of the family… Enjoy!

Mission Monday at the Magic Kingdom

Elizabeth, Grace, Trinity, Faith and I were blessed earlier today with yet another Mission Monday outing to Disney World where we strive to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ while having the best time of our lives. I so much prefer mission trips to the Magic Kingdom over Mexico or India, wouldn’t you?

Today we ventured out early to catch the park’s opening, a first for our family since most outings at Disney typically take place in the afternoon, as the 1 hour drive doubles as nap time for both Trinity and Faith while mom and Grace have school in the back of the van.

Our Lord blessed us with awesome weather and ample opportunities to witness and be examples of the faith, except for the hand stand I pulled down Main Street, I guess that was just showing off little… :)